Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Moving and Custody

This topic weighs heavily on me today. One of my parents is gearing up to move over 1,000 miles away and simultaneously initiating a custody case. This will not be the first, second or even third attempt to modify custody by this parent, and each time it becomes more difficult. As I sit here today, I realize that it can only be called miraculous that my siblings and I have not voluntarily cut this particular parent out of our lives. I suppose you never give up hope. Unfortunately, my youngest sibling still has three years before the golden age of 18, so she can still be used as a pawn in the custody game. I am the most upset for her and wondering to myself what compels parents to make these decisions. Whatever they proclaim, inevitably it seems for their own self-interest and little else. Widowed mother v. paternal grandparents



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