Friday, July 09, 2004

Dads of Michigan Update

I received the following in an email yesterday:

We achieved 4 of our five goals but we did not get enough signatures to put this on the ballot. We inspired several pieces of legislation to change custody and support issues. We are now represented in every county in Michigan.

Our paternity policy team is currently working with several Legislators to draft legislation on paternity.

Rep Howell is championing legislation to remove custody from the law.
Rep Voorhees is championing legislation to preserve families and reform divorce and custody laws.

Did the petition have an effect. You bet.

We are now working to have the petition language introduced as a bill.

Kind regards.

James Semerad
DADS of Michigan PAC

6632 Telegraph Road, Suite 110
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301
(248) 559-DADS phone

While apparently the petition drive was not the success I had hoped, it seems quite apparent that DadsofMichigan is helping to change Michigan laws. If you are a Michigan resident please contact them to find out how you can help.

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