Friday, August 27, 2004

PA Bill Proposes New Custody Standards

State Rep. Tom Stevenson, R-Mt. Lebanon, "has proposed legislation saying that "joint physical and legal custody" would be the new standard for Pennsylvania judges to use in ruling on custody battles. He said 30 states already use some form of the joint custody rule, also called shared custody."

Of course there was opposition: "Camp Hill family law attorney Maria Cognetti, representing the Pennsylvania Bar Association and some women's rights organizations, complained that Stevenson's proposal could have negative results on children." - Geez, women and attorney's do not want a presumption of joint custody? Why on earth not? Oh, oops, that would largely eliminate child support and outlandish attorney fees in divorce cases. Right. I forgot.

Read the article at the

Contact Tom Stevenson to show your support through the Pennsylvania House website .

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meg: I just read your posting. I am on the other side of attorney Maria cognetti in what many would call a "Bitter" "Divorce" All Maria has done for the other side is run up large fees, and cost her client to pay over $40,000 more for a house than if she would have settled 3 years ago. I laugh at cognetti, but agree totally, she will fight the legislation because it will hurt her where it counts. in the bank account.

8:42 AM  

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