Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Legal Aid Society extending free help - Hawaii

Legal Aid Society extending free help


The Legal Aid Society of Hawaii is extending its free legal services starting today, opening its offices daily and providing help on issues beyond family law in its Courthouse Assistance Project.

The office, open from 8 a.m. to noon, is on the second floor of the Circuit Court in a room adjacent to Family Court Management Services. The legal staff will provide help ranging from counsel to advice on issues such as housing referral, landlord-tenant disputes, Social Security, public benefits and consumer and debt issues.

Legal Aid attorneys can also help draft simple motions, answers and prepare exhibit lists.
Attorneys will continue to provide help on Family Court issues, a pilot program created in 2000 for low-income people with divorce, custody, child support and alimony matters.

Legal Aid will also expand its Family Court project, where attorneys talk to both parties, judges and bailiffs to see if they can reach a settlement before their hearing. If they cannot, the attorneys accompany them to hearings as observers. They also help draft any necessary orders and child support worksheets after the hearing.

For more information on this project, contact the Legal Aid intake hot line at 536-4302.

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