Parental Alienation Awareness Day
Parental Alienation Awareness Day is April 25th.
Visit Parental Alienation Awareness for more information.
Visit Parental Alienation Awareness for more information.
Labels: Parental Alienation
A site devoted to dedicated fathers trying to retain equal access to their children.
Books for DadsLabels: Parental Alienation
I am pleased to see a link regarding parental alienation as it is a major problem affecting divorced fathers (and mothers as well). The PAA website is terrific and I encourage all fathers to check it out and learn about parental alienation.
Amy J.L. Baker, Ph.D.
Author of adult children of parental alienation syndrome: Breaking the ties that bind
I am so glad that I found this site. I am going through a bitter divorce. My wife has custody of out 4 kids and has a restraining order out agains me. She is lying and is accusing me of some terrible things. I am only allowed to speak to my kids on the cell phone daily and see them once a week in the courthouse and things have been getting worse. During our last visitation we had a good time. The very next day my oldest would not speak to me as well as my second son. The next day my three boys would not speak to me and would actually hang up on me when I called. The only one speaking to me is my daughter. They say that they won't speak to me because of all my lies and that I lie all the time. Where are they getting this from? From reading the info about parental alienation I can see that my wife has them brainwashed into going against me instead of improving the situation. Nobody can help me since they do not know about parental alienation. DYFS won't help either. The "Institute for Family Services" is biased against men and told my kids that they have to testify against me in court for the restraining order. I have no rights and am almost without a family becasue of this. I read up on Parental Alienation and it fits them exactly. How can I get help? Why doesn't anyone see this? Why is it that men never get help in cases like this?
What can you do about a ex husband and his new wife who like to "blog" and "twitter" about you. Our children read their comments and are very hurt by what they say.
I am exactly in your shoes. It is sinful that a woman or man can file a restraining order with no legal costs, have their case heard (true or fabricated) and have a dad or mom removed from the picture. I have had two bogus TRO's dropped and one false assault charge. I see the comments made by "anonymous" and I have a jealous ex too who blames me for every ill she has yet can't understand why i am in a healthy loving relationship. The happier i am the more cruel she is. I pretended I broke up with my girl once and she was nice as pie, fully supportive. If she can't have you(to blame the world on) then nobody can. Good luck, god sees the horror these women impose and they will have their day. Hang in there
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